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Change Information for a Person or Business

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To get started, please identify the payee for which you would like to change information.

  1. From the list of people and businesses you pay on the Make Payments page, click the appropriate name.

    Result: A window with a listing of tasks appears.

  2. Click the View/Change payee details link.

    Result: The Payee Details page appears.

  3. Within the payee information section, click the Change payee link

    Result: The Edit Payee page appears.

  4. Make the required changes and click Save changes.

    Note: You cannot change address information if you are receiving e-bills or if this is a consolidated payee. A consolidated payee is an organization, which provides us with a preferred address to which payments should be sent. This address may be different than the address originally entered, which is displayed online.

    Result: A confirmation page appears that details your payee information changes.